
It goes without saying that we are all living with massive amounts of upheaval. Our daily routines, our jobs (or lack thereof), all the stuff we have to juggle… look quite different than they did just a week or so ago. To make matters worse, we might feel cut off from many of our support systems or coping mechanisms. No longer can you simply go out and have a coffee with a friend. Places of worship, yoga studios, your local YMCA, a favorite local taproom, all those places shuttered up. I know many of us are finding innovative ways to “virtually gather” (hello Zoom!), and for that I am deeply grateful. A side-effect coming out of this crisis is that we are thinking in new and creative ways, and that is awesome. Yet I still miss the simple walk with a friend, without worrying if we are at least 6 feet apart. I miss being able to focus on certain tasks without the never-ending chorus of kids needing something from me....