Choosing our Ways Wisely

So yeah… we’re only a few days into this whole COVID-19/Corona-virus hysteria in the U.S., and already I am hungry for any news that is not Corona-virus related!  That’s wishful thinking though… as reality is showing us that this is not going away anytime soon!

In literally a matter of days, our lives have been radically altered.  A rapid switch to e-learning, the workforce shifting heavily to at-home and on-line mode, and many of our favorite past times – sports, theatre, zoos and more – having to shutter their doors for an indeterminate amount of time. 

Everything we’ve taken for granted – a simple trip to the grocery store, going out to a movie, how close we might be seated to others at a restaurant, and more – we now need to think carefully about. 

As pastoral leaders, many of us are trying to figure out how to continue worship, education, and care for others, without being physically together for a time.

No matter who we are or what we do… inconvenience and frustration and stress are bound to pile up.  But I also hope that in these challenging times, we also see the opportunities to be creative and try out new ways of doing things.  And who knows… maybe some of these new ways of doing things will work just as good, or even better, as our old ways of doing things!  

Friends, in these days it is more important than ever to take care of ourselves, AND each other.  (That Golden Rule?  Now is a good time to live it!)  We need to remember that self-care is not selfish… indeed it is just the thing we need to make it through all this with some degree of sanity still intact!

Maybe you have a routine that works for you.  Or if you don’t… now is a good time to find one!  Hopefully it includes some form of movement, and other stress-busting activities that you enjoy.  These are serious times, but also times that need a healthy dose of laughter and play and remembering our shared humanity.

We should stay informed, but also not get sucked into every news story that plays 24/7. 

One of the favorite things I’ve seen on social media this week goes like this:

Viruses are contagious

So is panic








Choose Wisely

In these days of fear and hoarding and stockpiling… let’s choose wisely my friends! 

Take good care.


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