
Showing posts from January, 2021

"Onward we go, faithfully into the dark..."

So I was going to write an “end-of-2020” blog. But I didn’t want it to be full of doom and gloom, as not everything was bad! Even in the worst of times, I believe we can still find some things to be thankful for.   Anne Frank once wrote, “ I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains. ”   If she could write that in the midst of the Holocaust, I think I can certainly find some beauty that remains in these times too. Yet I also didn’t want to write something that might come off sounding overly optimistic, as we are not out of the woods yet. Not by any measure. We’ve got many dense forests ahead of us to navigate through. For all the signs of hope, for the signaling of a transfer of power… it always seemed like it was “one step forward, two steps back.”   There was no way 2020 could be wrapped up neatly with a bow.   If 2020 taught us anything, maybe one of those things was not to be so certain of certainty.   “Hold things loosely,” “...