Grab your eggnog...

“I don’t know what to say, except it’s Christmas and we’re all in misery.” If you’re a Christmas Vacation superfan, you’ll recognize this quote which Ellen Griswold spoke to her daughter Audrey. The extended family had all shown up for a big Griswold Family Christmas, and Audrey was complaining about having to share a room with her brother. The stress also leads Ellen to light up a cigarette.

“We’re all in misery.” Any one of us probably could have said this at some point in 2020. I could list all the ways that this year has been challenging, but I don’t really want to write that list, and I don’t think you need a reminder either! We’ve all been living with the challenges – both those that have affected us all, and those that may have been very particular to you. 

We’re making it through, and we can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Yet as we make our way through, we might feel like an old car which has seen its fair share of dings, dents and scratches. We might wonder just how much further this rusted car can travel.

Of all the things that have been helping me get through this year, the one I’ve been relying on a lot lately has been humor. Hence why our family has already watched Christmas Vacation, twice!!  

When you’re having a particularly bad or stressful day, it’s hard to beat turning on a favorite movie or sit-com that’s guaranteed to make you laugh. Besides the obvious essential workers, I’d also like to add comedians to the list. Because it’s essential that we don’t get bogged down and overwhelmed by all the bad news of the year.

In the midst of plenty of challenges, we need respites of laughter. Preferably shared with family or friends. Even if for now it needs to be through a door or over Zoom.  

Laughter, I believe, is one of those magical elixirs that can help us recalibrate. It can lighten a sour mood. It can relieve stress. It can help us from taking ourselves too seriously.

Laughter reminds us that it’s still possible to have moments of lightness and joy, even in the midst of trying circumstances. 

So grab your eggnog. Find your comfy chair and turn on a movie. Heck, even rant along with Clark Griswold if it feels cathartic for you… “Halleluiah, holy sh*t!” 

Just find a way to laugh. Make some spirits bright. This season, and always.

May Love and Joy come to you!


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