Duets of Wonder and Grief

There is a poem by Mark Nepo entitled “Adrift.” (Google search it and you can read the whole thing!) One line in particular stuck out for me: “This is how the heart makes a duet of wonder and grief.” These times certainly feel like a duet of wonder and grief. It’s as if these times are a round, wonder and grief singing over one another. Which one will complete the song? With these two emotions singing through our lives, singing through these days… we kinda just want to know how it will end. Will wonder or grief win the day? The grief… How much we took for granted. The ability to go out and linger at a restaurant, celebrating a birthday, gathered around a table with those you love. The ability to go to a concert, or a live performance, or cheer on your favorite team at the ballpark. The ability to visit with relatives worry-free. Who knows when we’ll be able to do that again. Thanksgiving, then Christmas will pass - without all the usual festivities and gatherings. ...