
Showing posts from April, 2020

Our Roads to Emmaus

This week's writing took the form of a sermon I preached "virtually" the morning.  In my preaching I aim to connect the old, old stories of the Bible with the stories we are living today.  Today's sermon is based off of the gospel writer Luke's account of The Walk to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-35.)  I invite you to read it first, then clink on the link below to watch the sermon.  May God's grace and peace rest upon you this week! Our Roads to Emmaus

Dense Fog

A few weeks ago, I went out for a run on a particularly foggy day.   It pretty much mirrored my emotions.   I had this feeling that there is this giant cloud called Covid-19 hanging over all of us, and we don’t yet know when the fog will lift.   It could be a long time. I long for news that is non-pandemic related.   I look for diversions or distractions, and yet at the end of the day the cloud is still there.   I still see the images of mass graves in NYC.   I’m concerned for all our health care workers, first responders, grocers, delivery drivers and more who don’t have the option to stay Safer At Home.   Then I feel incredibly odd when taking the rare trip to the grocery store… with the masks, and space marks on the floors, and plexiglass shields between me and the cashier.   I mentally understand, and really am thankful for all the precautions. But emotionally, I hate feeling so walled off, and I don’t like having to cautiously inte...